Notes To Self.

In beauty there lies a kind of power: it allows for self-love, which I think is one of the rarest things on earth.

The most estranging sensation is suddenly catching sight of yourself in a mirror, and not recognising the person staring back at you.

I just realised that the clothes, earrings, bits of paper, spiral-bound photocopies I leave around are effectively the sediment I deposit on the banks of my life.

Being hurt; really, really being hurt is real when the feeling sneaks up on you, anywhere between one minute to an hour after said Hurtful Thing. Its like gashing your knee open, and beginning to cry only when the shock and adrenaline wears off and you feel the pain.

Permanent discontentment is The Human Condition.

Friendship Day

Here’s to walking up to that guy you always thought was cute, and asking him (like, so smooth) whether the teacher’s coming for this class after all.

Here’s to smiling at that girl you always felt would be great-cosmic-soul-buddies with you if you’d ever said hi.

Here’s to waving at strangers on the road from the bus window.

Here’s to lonely people, because I have been one of them.

Things I Think Which You Don’t Need To Know But Still

1. Electricity tastes sour. Touch your tongue to a 9 Volt battery to know.

2. We cover our faces when we feel our deepest emotions. We cover our faces when we cry, we avoid our own reflection in the mirror after a big fight, when we’re amused in public we try not to laugh – because the face we convince ourselves is our own is still a mask. Not always in a deep broody oh-I’m-so-lonely way, but in a way that we don’t even realise.

3. Being in loos with other people is awkward, especially catching someone else’s eye in the mirror. Its an odd sort of intimacy.